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Buterol Falcon

Buterol Falcon

Regular price ₴250.00 UAH
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In the Viking world, swords had a symbolic meaning; they were decorated with images of people, animals, and mythical creatures. One such tip (buterol) of the tenth century was found near Shestovytsia in the Chernihiv region.

On it we see a framed engraving of a bird, most likely a falcon. It has folded its graceful wings along its body, and its tail is slightly fluffed. In some places you can see the clear outlines of this bird, but most often the falcon was depicted in the most simplified style: a small head, a body with a thickened tail, and two parallel wings. This is how a falcon looks like in flight when it enters a rapid dive, attacking its prey.

The stylized falcon on this bottle probably became the prototype of the princely trident.

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